泰扬牌Permatex耐高温垫片密封剂 Copper spray –A-Gasket Hi-Temp Adhesive sealant 101MA 一种快干性的金属铜密封剂,有助于分散垫片表面热量,防止垫片烧毁,同时改善了传热性能。可填补表面细小凹点,即时密封,可耐受各种流体特别是汽油的溶解作用。该产品的有效温度范围在-45℃-260℃之间。 Permatex Copper Spray-A-Gasket Hi-Temp Adhesive Sealant Fast-drying, metallic copper sealant helps dissipate heat, prevents gasket burnout and improves heat transfer. Fills minor surface irregularities. Seals instantly. Fills hot spots and surface imperfections. Temperature range -50°F to 500°F (-45°C to 260°C); resists all types of automotive fluids, especially gasoline. Level 3* 型号 包装规格 每箱个数 产品代号 80697 12盎司喷灌 12 10MA